Obesity - Weight Loss and Inhibiting Fatty Liver

Obesity: Support for Weight Loss |  Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver


• Supporting Weight Loss and Preventing Fat Accumulation 

Curcumin possesses unique properties which help prevent the formation of fat cells and the accumulation of lipid (fat) in the body. Research has shown that mice given a high-fat diet supplemented with curcumin, while experiencing no reduction in food intake, did have a reduction in body weight, adiposity, and blood vessel development in adipose tissue.(9) Most significantly, curcumin’s ability to reduce weight (with emphasis on fat tissue) was shown to involve the inhibiting the expression of genes involved with the generation of new fat cells (adipogenesis) and formation of new fat involving fatty acid synthesis (lipogenesis). Another study specifically showed that curcumin inhibits the mult-enzyme complex, fatty acid synthase (FAS), which plays a key role in fatty acid synthesis. Acting as an FAS inihibitor, curcumin prevented the formation of new adipocytes and further lipid accumulation in fat tissue. (10)

• Treating and Preventing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcohol fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common form of chronic liver disease in western countries. NAFLD is a potentially serious disease of the liver, which can lead to hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis and eventually liver failure. NAFLD occurs with excessive amounts of fat is deposited in the liver. Obesity, high leptin levels and insulin resistance are believed to be major factors in the process. This condition becomes most critical when there is inflammation in the liver. An NAFLD with inflammation may possibly progress to cirrhosis of the liver, which is life threatening.

Ginger – Natural Prevention and Treatment of NAFLD. Researchers into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has shown the effectiveness of ginger which acts at both the level of prevention as well as treatment of the disease. The mechanisms at which ginger is hypothesized to work include: increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing hepatic triglycerides, increasing adiponectin and down-regulates pro-inflammatory cytokines.(11) Adiponectin – an adipokine synthesized from adipose tissue, is upregulated by both ginger, curcumin (13), and is considered a powerful inhibitor of NAFLD. Insulin resistance is considered a major factor in the development of NAFLD. According to researchers “adiponectin decreases hepatic and systematic insulin resistance and attenuates liver inflammation and fibrosis.”(14)
Curcumin - Inhibiting Leptin Activated Liver Fibrosis. Curcumin prevents leptin activation of liver fibrosis cells (Hepatic Stellate Cells). Therefore, curcumin in a potent inhibitor of liver fibrogenesis associated with high leptin levels in patients with NAFLD.(12)